Veteran Built Contracting Services is a commercial construction general contracting company, certified by the California Department of General Services as a Small Business and a Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise, which specializes in project management, construction management, and preconstruction services.

Veteran Built professionals provide a range diversity of industry experience in managing negotiated and competitively bid private contracts, state and local public works, and contracts subject to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Construction Quality Management and Health and Safety protocols. Our keys to success in each of these arenas is to identify our clients' requirements peculiar to their individual situations, organize the team of our professionals best experienced to provide superior results, and then excel in every aspect of the construction process to exceed their expectations of quality and service.

Veteran Built Contracting Services is committed to seeking out, encouraging, and otherwise supporting minority-owned, woman-owned, and veteran-owned business enterprises to participate in our bidding and subcontracting process. In addition to the above, we actively recruit combat wounded and disabled veterans for employment and career opportunites.

VB Contact: Tom Reath, Principal
Phone (760) 533-3502 or Email
Located: 181 Avenida La Pata #150, San Clemente, CA 92673
California B License - General Building Contractor No. 862886
DVBE Certification No: 1058491